December 2021 (version 1.50.0)

Welcome to the new DeepScan updates. This is the last update for 2021. We will never stop to make your JavaScript better. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Thank you for your continual love and support!

Analysis Improvements

  • Support Vue 3.2 <script setup>
  • Support inline async functions at Vue v-on directive


  • eslint-plugin-vue is upgraded to 8.2.0 for ESLint 6 and 7 versions
  • Do not apply minified file exclusion for Vue SFC files

Bug Fixes

  • A false alarm for COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_STRICTLY may occur when Atomics.wait() is used
  • A false alarm for NO_EFFECT_CALL may occur when Array.prototype.copyWithin() is used
  • Analyzer may abnormally terminate when a Vue ref object is passed down multiple call-depth