August 2018 (version 1.16.0-beta)

1.16.0 Update


We're happy to announce new DeepScan updates. Since we started to support Vue.js specialized rules in June, we have worked hard to provide more Vue.js rules.

Please kindly go ahead with the highlights for this release.

Release Summary

This version includes a number of updates that we hope you’ve found some of them helpful.
The key highlights are:

New Rules

New rules introduced in this release:

Analysis Improvements

ECMAScript 2018 support

We've checked ECMAScript 2018 (ES9) features and added support for features such as for-await-of. We now fully support ECMAScript 2018!

Enhanced Vue.js support

Apply basic JavaScript rules such as UNUSED_EXPR for inline code inside Vue template


  • State management for the analysis job becomes more stable. When your analysis is not finished by system accidents, it will be retried after the system recovery is complete.
  • Limit syntax error detection on regular expression because of possible false alarm. We will bring back the full detection soon.

Bug Fixes

  • A false alarm for UNUSED_DECL and UNUSED_VAR_ASSIGN occurs when object rest is used with computed property
  • A false alarm for VUE_BAD_COMPONENT_NAME occurs when the name is empty string
  • Some syntax errors inside Vue template are wrongly detected as NON_REFERENCE_LHS
  • Inline function expression is not allowed as Vue v-on directive value
  • Analyzer abnormally terminates when JSX spread child is used
  • Selected filter in Issues view does not apply to the File Viewer