SonarQube Plugin

DeepScan provides a SonarQube plugin enabling in-depth analysis for JavaScript and TypeScript in your SonarQube platform.

System Requirements

Operating System

  • Windows
  • Linux


  • Version 7.9 and above


  • Oracle JRE 8 and above
  • OpenJDK 8 and above


Let's say you installed SonarQube in /opt/sonarqube.

Installing the plugin

Copy the SonarQube DeepScan plugin into the SonarQube plugins directory and restart the SonarQube server.

cp sonar-deepscan-plugin-x.x.x.jar /opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins

When the SonarQube server is up and you log in with an administrator account, you will see the plugin information in Administration > Marketplace.

Registering the license

A license key is required to run the SonarQube DeepScan plugin. If a valid license key is not registered, license errors will occur when executing the SonarQube analysis.

In DeepScan tab of Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Licenses, enter and save the license key in the License field.

Setting the default Quality Profile

Once installed, you can go to Quality Profiles and see the DeepScan way quality profile under JavaScript and TypeScript.

However, it is not the default profile so DeepScan does not apply when analyzing JavaScript/TypeScript projects. You can set the project's quality profile separately, but if you set the DeepScan way as the default one, then it will apply to all the projects.

To set the default quality profile, log in with administrator permissions and click Set as Default menu on the right of the profile. This should be applied for each of JavaScript and TypeScript languages.
Set as Default for JavaScript
Set as Default for TypeScript

When you click the Rules column value of DeepScan way, you can view the list of DeepScan rules.
DeepScan Rules


Delete the existing plugin and follow the above installation process with the new plugin file.

SonarQube apply the newly added DeepScan rules in the upgraded plugin.

However, if you have used a new profile which modifies the previous profile (such as a severity), click Activate More Rules button to activate more rules.

Activate More Rules

Now, you are in the Rules tab, where you can select rules to activate as follows:

  1. Select Repository > DeepScan in the left panel.
  2. In the list of rules on the right, click Activate button for the rule to activate.
Activate Rules


You can delete an existing plugin in two ways.

  • Delete the plugin file from the plugins directory and restart the SonarQube server.
  • In Administration > Marketplace, click Uninstall button that appears at the right of the installed DeepScan plugin.



Analyzing a project

SonarQube consists of a SonarQube server (providing a database and dashboard) and a SonarQube Scanner (a tool analyzing codes and sending the results to the server).

So, to analyze your project, run the SonarQube Scanner.

Let's say you installed SonarQube Scanner in ~/sonar-scanner.

  1. Create a file in the project folder to analyze. (If you use other tools such as Maven, just follow the ways of those)
  2. Run the following command in the project folder.
  3. After the analysis is completed, the results are sent to the SonarQube server.
  4. Browse the results at the SonarQube.

An example of file is as follows:

  • Source files are located in the src folder.
  • SonarQube server is at http://sonar.deepscan:9000 and login account is "deepscan".
  • Display the project as "wordswarm-web" in the dashboard.
  • Exclude src/examples and src/vendors folders from the analysis.
# Required metadata

# Optional project properties

# SonarQube server url

# SonarQube account if authentication is required

# Comma-separated paths to directories with sources (optional)

# Comma-separated paths to exclude

# Encoding of sources files


Properties for the SonarQube analysis can be set in file or -Dkey=value arguments when running the SonarQube Scanner.

The general properties are as follows. You can refer a SonarQube documentation for more details.

Property Required Description
sonar.projectKey O Unique project ID
sonar.projectName Project name
sonar.projectVersion Project version Server URL
sonar.login Login account
sonar.password Login password
sonar.sources Comma-separated folders to analyze. Defaults to the project folder if not specified.
sonar.exclusions Comma-separated files or folders to exclude. Relative to the project folder.
You can refer a SonarQube documentation for more details.
sonar.sourceEncoding Encoding of source files
sonar.deepscan.enable Whether to run DeepScan. When set to false and run, previously detected issues will be changed as fixed.

Analysis Target

DeepScan analyzes the following JavaScript and TypeScript files:

  • JavaScript: *.js, *.jsx
  • TypeScript: *.ts, *.tsx
  • Vue.js: *.vue
  • ES6 Modules: *.mjs


The following files are not analyzed by default in the plugin:

  • All files under node_modules and bower_components directory.
  • Minified file: *.min.js, *-min.js, *_min.js or when average line length is greater than 200.
  • Automatically generated *.js files from TypeScript files.
  • Files over 30,000 lines.
  • Files over 1.5 MB in size.
  • Lines with length greater than 400.

CI Integration

SonarQube Scanner can be run in the various environments such as Jenkins, Maven, and Gradle.

You can refer a SonarQube documentation and configure it according to your workflow.

Rule Set

You can find all of DeepScan rules in:

  • Quality Profiles > JavaScript > DeepScan way
  • Quality Profiles > TypeScript > DeepScan way


DeepScan internally applies the same rules for JavaScript/TypeScript files. However, SonarQube separates them into different languages. So, one DeepScan rule corresponds to SonarQube rules for JavaScript and TypeScript. For example, the INSUFFICIENT_NULL_CHECK rule corresponds to SonarQube rules as below:



The categories of DeepScan rules correspond to SonarQube as below:

DeepScan SonarQube
Error BUG
Code Quality CODE_SMELL


The impacts of DeepScan rules correspond to the severities of SonarQube as below:

DeepScan SonarQube
Medium MAJOR

Note that the severity of an issue follows the severity of the corresponding rule.

For example of CONSTANT_CONDITION rule, DeepScan detects it as Medium or Low impacts depending on the context, but all issues have a MINOR severity defined in the SonarQube server. This is because the issue should have the severity which can be changed by a user.

Changing the Issue Severity

Developers and reviewers can configure the issue severity depending on their context or priority.

You can change it to any severity for each detected issue. Below is an example of changing the severity from Major to Minor.

Changing the Rule Severity

When you want to change the rule severity itself, you need to create a profile derived from DeepScan way profile and change it.

A child profile inherits the rules of the parent profile and can set different severities. However, you can not deactivate a rule.

Below is an example of creating a child profile to change the rule severity.

  1. Create a new profile inheriting DeepScan way by clicking Quality Profiles > Create button.
    Create a new profile
  2. All the rules of DeepScan way are inherited. Click on the rule to modify.
  3. In the rule details, you can change the rule severity by clicking Change button and set a new severity. Below is an example of changing Minor severity to Major:
    Change the rule severity
  4. Set the project's JavaScript profile to a newly created one through the project menu Project Settings > Quality Profiles.
  5. Then analyze the project again.

Excluding rules

If you want to exclude some DeepScan rules, you can copy DeepScan way profile and deactivate unwanted rules, or create an empty profile and add only the rules you need.

Below is an example of creating an empty profile and adding rules having CRITICAL and MAJOR severities:

  1. Select Create a blank quality profile after clicking Quality Profiles > Create button.
  2. Select Activate More button of the newly created profile.
  3. Select Repository > DeepScan in the left panel.
  4. Select Default Severity > Critical in the left panel.
  5. Additionally select Default Severity > Major in the left panel with Ctrl + click.
  6. Click Bulk Change button at the top to add the selected rules to the new profile.



Measure Description
Analyzed Code Lines Lines of code (number of lines excluding comment / blank)
Analyzed Total Lines Total number of lines
Files Number of files analyzed
High Impact Number of issues with high impact
Medium Impact Number of issues with medium impact
Low Impact Number of issues with low impact
Issues Number of all issues
Rating DeepScan provides a grade which represent the quality status of your project.
For more information, you can refer to Grade Rating.