Node.js Package

DeepScan provides a Node.js package which enables you to see bugs and quality issues in the CLI (command-line interface) or programmatically.


DeepScan for Node.js helps you to see bugs and quality issues in the CLI (command-line interface). As for the code review, you can check the code by this package on your CI.

  • Analyze a whole project folder or specific folder/files.
  • Report issues by format.
  • Ignore rules or pattern of files.
Node.js packageHTML Report


To run this package, you need Java 8 (Oracle's JDK or OpenJDK).


There are two ways to install DeepScan: globally and locally.


This package uses java package to invoke Java-based analysis engine. When you have problems in the installation, please see here.

On Windows, I recommend to install windows-build-tools as an administrator, which easily installs all required tools.

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Local Installation

If you want to include DeepScan as part of your project's build system, we recommend installing it locally.

$ npm install deepscan --save-dev

Or if you have a tarball:

$ npm install deepscan-<version>.tgz

After that, you can run DeepScan on any file or directory like this:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/deepscan --license <license_file_path> yourfile.js

Global Installation

If you want to make DeepScan available to tools that run across all of your projects, we recommend installing DeepScan globally.

$ npm install -g deepscan

Or if you have a tarball:

$ npm install -g deepscan-<version>.tgz

After that, you can run DeepScan on any file or directory like this:

$ deepscan --license <license_file_path> yourfile.js


DeepScan for Node.js provides the following options.

-l, --license

Specify DeepScan license file.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path>

-f, --format

Use a specific output format. (defaults to stylish)

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> -f json
  • stylish is a color-coded text
  • csv is a CSV string
  • html is a HTML string (a standalone report with analysis results and charts)
  • json is a JSON string

-o, --output-file

Specify file to write report to.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> -f json -o ./result.txt


Strip color codes from the output.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> --no-color -o ./result.txt


Specify rules to ignore.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> --ignore-rules "UNUSED_DECL,UNUSED_VAR_ASSIGN"


Specify pattern of files to ignore. Each pattern follows the gitignore format.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> --ignore-patterns "lib/,*.jsx"


Run ESLint. You can see the ESLint alarms with DeepScan's.

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> --eslint-enable

eslint package is required in the local or global. Note that NODE_PATH environment variable is necessary to load the eslint module installed in global.

It directly uses the package so your custom configurations and plugins are applied as is.

Below is an example of webpack build using DeepScan command-line tool with ESLint. Both DeepScan alarms (NULL_POINTER) and ESLint alarms (no-unused-vars, ...) are detected and you can control your build process by these alarms or an exit code.

Run Command-line tools with ESLint


Option for how identical issues of DeepScan and ESLint are merged. (defaults to deepscan)

deepscan . -l <license_file_path> --eslint-enable --eslint-merge both
  • deepscan: Show only DeepScan issues
  • eslint: Show only ESLint issues
  • both: Show all issues as is

Exit Code

  • 0 when no issues are reported
  • 1 when only low-impact issues are reported
  • 2 when high or medium-impact issues are reported


Analysis Target

For detailed information about the analysis target, refer to the following:

DeepScan API

It’s possible to use DeepScan programmatically through the Node.js API. You can use DeepScan functionality directly through the API.

var deepscan = require('deepscan');

// Initialize DeepScan with license
deepscan.init({ license: '<license_file_path>' });

var results = [];

// For file or directory
results = deepscan.verifyFile('/home/test/hello');

// For source text
results = deepscan.verify('var foo = null; foo.g;');

// For source text (TypeScript)
results = deepscan.verify('export class RuleActionProvider implements vscode.CodeActionProvider { var foo = null; foo.g; }', {
    language: 'ts'

// For source text (TypeScript React)
results = deepscan.verify("abstract class Hello extends Component { render() { var foo = null; foo.g; return <RoleSelect />; }}", {
    language: 'tsx'

const { alarms } = results;
for (const { impact, name, message, filePath, location, codeFragment } of alarms) {