and $
anchors should be placed properly in a regular expression
- Error
- Medium
- No tags
This rule applies when ^
and $
anchors are not placed properly in a regular expression.
and $
are special anchor characters that match the beginning and the end of input.
If ^
appears after matching some input characters, it will always fail to match. Similarly, nothing will be matched after the $
Often this alarm occurs when the intention is matching the ^
or $
character itself. In that case, \^
or \$
should be used instead.
Note: Not applied when only one character exists around the ^
or $
because it is often used to intentionally construct an unmatchable pattern like /x^/
or /$x/
Noncompliant Code Example
View with compliant examples side by side// Example 1
var re1 = /(foo|bar)^/; // MISPLACED_ANCHOR_IN_REGEXP alarm because '^' is used instead of '$'.
// Example 2
var re2 = /$(foo|bar)/; // MISPLACED_ANCHOR_IN_REGEXP alarm '$' is not properly escaped.
Compliant Code Example
View with noncompliant examples side by side// Example 1
var re1 = /(foo|bar)$/;
// Example 2
var re2 = /\$(foo|bar)/;
This rule was introduced in DeepScan 1.30.0.