Make Your
JavaScript Better

Have Quality of Your Own

Why DeepScan differs from linters

Beyond Conventions

DeepScan focuses on finding runtime errors and quality issues rather than coding conventions. Ideal for you if you are serious about JavaScript code quality.

Semantic Analysis

DeepScan is a cutting-edge static analysis tool for JavaScript code. By following the execution and data flow of program in greater depth, it can find issues that syntax-based linters can't.

Adaptable & Actionable

By classifying issues as multi-level impacts and suppressing the noisy ones, DeepScan helps you to focus on impactful issues. Also a detailed guide lets you simply know what and where the problem is.

How to ensure JavaScript code quality

Code Inspection

Inspect your JavaScript with a single click. Applicable to all JavaScript development using TypeScript, Node.js, React, Vue.js, and Astro.

GitHub Integration

Analyze your code in GitHub repository with automatic synchronization and code review for pull request.

Effective Rule Sets

Find practical bugs and code smells by data-flow analysis. Keep low false alarm rate by elaborate filtering of detected issues.

Issue Trends

Issues are historically merged. You can track project's code quality over time.

Plugins and CLI

Integrate DeepScan into your SonarQube server, CI/CD server, and editors such as Visual Studio Code, and IntelliJ.

Team Support

You can see an overall picture of your team regarding its quality status, code issues and lines of code.

Trusted by thousands of teams

How DeepScan can help you

Better Code
  • Check your code in terms of code quality lint tools can't detect
  • Learn best practices for JavaScript
  • Catch mistakes before committing
Better Project
  • Keep up with code quality status of team projects
  • Get the measure on the project
  • Increase confidence before code ships